

Often in African dancing the women do the dances and the men play the drums. What would happen if the roles reversed? I know men do dance. But not all sexy like. Not like the "powerful" men. But I've returned from a cultural festival and I cannot help but wonder why I only saw one woman playing an instrument (Tanzanian) they whole day. And it was odd enough of a sight that it stuck out. Gender roles in Africa are a little fucked up right now. It may take some time (okay a lot actually) before they can access the same social norms and rights as males. I for one would love to see a day when men and women switch their roles. Just a simple holiday. Men would get water, take care of babies, cook food, and dance all sexy like. The women would farm for a few hours and then spend the rest of the day greeting people, drinking, and playing the drums. Yeah. That would be a good holiday.

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