
Guests like fish

Ben Franklin said it best, "guests like fish go bad after three days." How true, Ben. Of course I would not know yet. I live by myself which sometimes sucks. I miss the comradarie of the village. I really do not talk to my neighbors. Possibly because there is a wall with glass shards to keep me from conversing.
I want Peace Corps Volunteers coming from the village to stay at my house. Well see if it's a success. So far I've just had the occasional Coff or Fors stay at my house. They really don't count. Now I'm getting some real guests this month. Yesterday, Sarah. Today, Marsha. Next week, a few kids from Southern. It should be interesting. We'll see if I'm a good host. I think things should be fun. As long as they don't eat my gummie bears (like my housekeeper) or drink my beer (like Katie).

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