
Mozambique; Return 2

The bus station in Jo'burg isn't that bad. It's the surrounding city blocks that cause paranoia (well-founded from the horror stories one hears). A "crazy" person was spouting the typical "AIDS is God's way of punishing gays/women." I noticed several people finding his tirade amusing, including some white people. These white people ended up being Peace Corps Volunteers from Lesotho. I hung out with them for awhile. Because they were cool? Yes. Because we Volunteers tend to have much in common? Yes. Because we were stranded at a weigh station for seven hours while Intercape attempted to overload our bus with eggs and onions? Yes. It took forever. Everyone on the bus became good friends. Even a guy in a Masai plaid chitenge tried to get everyone to revolt. He eventually invited everyone on board to a wedding but said no one from the bus company could come because they suck (not his language, mine). We made it to Maputo, but most of us were cranky well before then.

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